成都市实验小学 纠错
- 官网地址:www.cdeps.sc.cn
- 学校地址:四川省成都青羊区人民中路一段22号
- 联系电话: 028-86642609
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成都市实验小学简介成都市实验小学始建于1918年,是前国家总理李鹏同志的母校。学校座落于四川省成都市人民中路一段22号,占地约12400平方米。雅致新锐的学校是学生成长、教师发展的乐园。 近九十年的风雨历程让她拥有深厚的积淀,近九十年的不懈进取让她始终朝气蓬勃。 学校自创办之日起,就一直以教育改革为己任,每一次改革都为学校创造了良好的发展契机,推动了学校的不断发展,使学校始终走在教育改革的前列。 学校作为中央教科所实验研究中心、中国教育学会小学德育研究会、国家教育部现代教育技术等国家级科研单位的挂牌实验学校,先后承担了十余项国家级及教育部实验课题。课题成果多次荣获国家、省市区的各级奖励,并多次在全国以及省市区推广。“十五”期间,学校被评为中央教育科学研究所科研教改先进实验学校。 在长期的教育教学改革和实践中,学校逐渐形成了自己的特色:学校以“教育要为学生终身幸福和发展奠定基础”为办学理想,以“学校教育、家庭教育、社会教育三结合”为办学模式,以“雅教育”为办学追求。倡导儒雅教师培养文雅学生,成就高雅学校。 学校校训:堂堂正正做人,勤勤恳恳做事。 学生发展目标:思想活跃、个性活泼、手脑灵活、充满活力,文质彬彬,然后君子。 教师发展目标:立己立人,达己达人。 学校发展目标:小学校,大雅堂。 如今,成都市实验小学以自己的独特魅力吸引了越来越多的目光。 开放的成都市实验小学欢迎您! Chengdu Experimental Primary School was built in 1918. The former prime minister, Li Peng is the former student of this school. The school is on 22# Section 1, Renmin Zhonglu Road of Chengdu. The elegant campus is the place which the students grow up and the teachers develop. The area of this school is 12400 square meters. She has first-grade facilities.The ninety years history gives her special temperament---lively and graceful. The ninety years reform makes her full of vigor.As the Experimental Research Center of Central Educational & Scientific Institute, the Primary School Moral Education Researching Confederation of China Educational Academic Committee, and the Branded Experimental School of Modern Teaching Skills of National Educational Ministry, the school already took on more than 10 national or Educational Ministry"s researches, and the achievements were granted many times with National, provincial and municipal award, and the accomplishments were promoted nation wide and within the province and municipal area. During the 10th “5-year plan” period, the school was appraised as Advanced Reforming Experimental School in Science, Research and Education of Central Educational Scientific Research Institute.During the long range educational reform and practice, the school has formed herself characteristic gradually. The ideal of running the school is ,education should be the foundation of students" happiness and development of their whole life. The pattern of running the school is , school education , home education and society education should be combinated in one. Use the "elegant education" runs after for running the school, propose that the teacher learned and refined trains elegant student , accomplishment elegant school.The school motto is “dignified and imposing conduct self, work painstakingly".Student development targets are “active in thought, lively in individuality, nimble in head and hand , full of the vigor, balance of outward grace and solid worth, and then become a gentleman.”Teacher development targets are “accomplishment themselves and accomplishment the other people.”Now, Chengdu Experimental primary school has attracted more sights with its unique charm.Welcome to Chengdu Experimental Primary School!