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    深圳市福田区汇龙幼儿园 纠错

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    深 圳 汇 龙 幼 儿 园 Shenzhen Huilong Kindergarten            深圳市福田区汇龙幼儿园于1999年9月开办,座落于深圳市优秀住宅小区汇龙花园内,是香港新亚洲国际教育顾问机构下属的第三间幼儿园,由香港教育专业人士采用ISO9001国际品质标准体系进行管理。 现代化宽敞的独立校舍,建筑面积达2700多平方米,占地面积900平方米,光线充足,设备完善,空气清新,班上配有电脑设备,图书阅读室、舞蹈室、美术室及医疗保健室,每班配备100多平方米的独立活动室、睡室、卫生间,全校设有空调装置。能够为幼儿提供一个舒适、愉快的学习、生活环境。 主题探究性学习特色教学     在游戏中学习犹如一次快乐的旅行,主题探究活动让孩子勤动脑、会操作。多元化智慧教学,区域活动使孩子得到均衡发展。我园的特色教学中大班的珠心算、小班的识字与阅读为孩子的将来打下良好的基础。 专业教育服务       汇龙幼儿园有着爱心、细心、耐心、责任心的专业教师队伍,观察、了解、尊重孩子,因材施教.尊重孩子的个性发展 有益的亲子教育       定期的亲子活动、游戏比赛、讲座和旅游增进亲自互动关系,家长可参与“家长助教”和“家长小组”策划学校教育和活动,家园携手共牵,促进孩子平衡成长。 汇龙幼儿园给孩子完整快乐的童年 我们尊重每一个孩子,真心教导,发展真、善天性――让每一个宝贝都建立快乐人生。 我们尊重每一个孩子,用心了解,发掘潜能――让每一个宝贝都赢在起跑线上。 我们创设孩子生活与学习的每一天――天天新颖、天天成长。 Shenzhen Huilong Kindergarten   Huilong Kindergarten was opened in September 1999. The kindergarten is located at Huilong Garden in Futian District of Shenzhen, one of the outstanding communities in Shenzhen. It is the third kindergarten subsidiary to the Hong Kong New Asia International Education Consultancy Ltd, and is managed under the ISO 9001 system.   The kindergarten is an independent building with modern design and very spacious.  It has more than 2,700 square meters floor in a 900 square meters land. Each classroom has abundant lighting and complete equipment.  All rooms are equipped with computers. Besides standard classroom, there are reading room, dancing room, arts room and medical care room. Each class has an independent activity room, bedroom and toilet with an area of 100 square meters. All rooms are equipped with air conditioners. As a result, children have comfortable and pleasant study and living environment in the kindergarten.   Theme learning model Studying through games is a happy way to learn.  Theme study allows children to think more and use their hands to experiment.  Plural wisdom teaching and regional activities provide balanced development to children. The abacus and mental arithmetic courses in middle and upper classes, the word learning and reading courses in lower classes lay a good foundation for the further education.   Professional education services Huilong Kindergarten has a professional teaching team who are loving, scrupulous, patient and responsible. They observe, understand and respect children accordingly, and pay attention to the personality development of children.   Beneficial participation into children’s activities We organize parents to participate into children’s activities regularly, attend games and competitions, lectures and sightseeing. Parents can take part in “Teaching Assistance” and “Parents Group” to plan the teaching and activities of the school. The parents and kindergarten join hands to promote the balanced growth of children.   Huilong Kindergarten gives children a complete and happy childhood   We respect every child, teaching them whole-heartedly and develop their nature of truthfulness and goodness. Let every baby has a happy childhood.   We respect every child, try to understand them and develop their potentials.  Let every child can win on the start line.   We plan everyday life and learning for our children. We grow everyday with innovation.       地址:深圳市福田区上梅林凯丰路汇龙花园邮编:518049电话:0755-83528782、83528277传真:0755-83528677E-mail:[email protected]网址:http://www.emily-kg.com ?